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Freshwater Fish Species in Lake Baikal [Siberia, north of Mongolia]

The tables below were generated from Fishbase.org - A project to provide indexing and links for all known species as the baseline dataset for studies of global biodiversity.
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Fish Species in Lake Baikal

Largest, deepest and oldest freshwater lake, about 25-30 million years old. Famous for its deepwater species; 27 endemic fishes. Receives Barguzin and Selenga rivers

[No. of Species listed in Fishbase.org=39]
Species Family Habitat Length (cm) Trophic level Status
Abyssocottus elochini Abyssocottidae demersal 13 TL 3.5 endemic
Abyssocottus gibbosus Abyssocottidae demersal 14 TL 3.0 endemic
Abyssocottus korotneffi Abyssocottidae bathydemersal 14 TL 3.0 endemic
Acipenser baerii baerii Acipenseridae demersal 140 TL 3.3 native
Acipenser baerii baicalensis Acipenseridae demersal 257 TL 3.3 native
Asprocottus abyssalis Abyssocottidae bathydemersal 12 TL 3.0 endemic
Asprocottus herzensteini Abyssocottidae bathydemersal 12 TL 3.0 endemic
Asprocottus korjakowi Abyssocottidae bathydemersal 0 TL   native
Asprocottus parmiferus Abyssocottidae bathydemersal 12 TL 3.0 endemic
Asprocottus platycephalus Abyssocottidae bathydemersal 12 TL 3.0 endemic
Asprocottus pulcher Abyssocottidae bathydemersal 12 TL 3.0 endemic
Batrachocottus baicalensis Cottocomephoridae demersal 19 TL 3.0 native
Batrachocottus multiradiatus Cottocomephoridae demersal 15 TL 3.0 endemic
Batrachocottus nikolskii Cottocomephoridae demersal 24 TL 3.0 endemic
Comephorus baikalensis Comephoridae pelagic 21 TL 3.3 endemic
Comephorus dybowskii Comephoridae pelagic 16 TL 3.4 endemic
Coregonus autumnalis autumnalis Salmonidae pelagic 64 TL 3.6 native
Coregonus autumnalis migratorius Salmonidae demersal 56 TL 3.3 native
Coregonus lavaretus baicalensis Salmonidae demersal 60 TL 3.1 native
Cottinella boulengeri Abyssocottidae bathypelagic 13 TL 3.5 endemic
Cottocomephorus grewingkii Cottocomephoridae benthopelagic 19 TL 3.2 endemic
Cottocomephorus inermis Cottocomephoridae pelagic 22 TL 3.2 endemic
Cottus kesslerii Cottidae demersal 14 TL 3.3 native
Limnocottus bergianus Abyssocottidae bathydemersal 23 TL 3.0 endemic
Limnocottus eurystomus Abyssocottidae bathydemersal 18 TL 3.0 endemic
Limnocottus godlewskii Abyssocottidae bathydemersal 19 TL 3.0 endemic
Limnocottus griseus Abyssocottidae bathydemersal 18 TL 3.0 endemic
Limnocottus megalops Abyssocottidae bathydemersal 17 TL 3.4 endemic
Limnocottus pallidus Abyssocottidae bathydemersal 18 TL 3.0 native
Neocottus thermalis Abyssocottidae bathydemersal 0 TL   native
Neocottus werestschagini Abyssocottidae bathydemersal 10 TL 3.0 endemic
Paracottus knerii Cottocomephoridae benthopelagic 15 TL 3.0 native
Procottus gotoi Abyssocottidae benthopelagic 0 TL   native
Procottus gurwicii Abyssocottidae benthopelagic 7 TL 3.2 endemic
Procottus jeittelesii Abyssocottidae benthopelagic 28 TL 3.0 endemic
Procottus major Abyssocottidae benthopelagic 18 TL 3.4 endemic
Salvelinus alpinus erythrinus Salmonidae benthopelagic 70 TL 3.2 native
Thymallus arcticus baicalensis Salmonidae benthopelagic 35 TL 3.5 native
Tinca tinca Cyprinidae demersal 84 TL 3.5 native
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Page generated June 30, 2003 from Fishbase.org. Page created by: Jen, 15.11.01, last modified by Jen, 20.09.02.

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The copy for tropicalfreshwaterfish.com was written in 1994-1995. Therefore some information such as scientific names may be out of date. For this, I apologize. Feel free to send corrections to me.